web fashion digital design
product development

Region Design Lab is here to help business owners and designers like you achieve your goals. We offer design subscriptions to support your business.

does this sound familiar?

Region Design Lab replaces unreliable freelancers and expensive agencies with one easy-to-use service. We offer a flat monthly fee with designs delivered within two business days on avaerage.

How it works

how it works
how it works

What you get

top quality
top-notch quality

Insane design quality at your fingertips whenever you need it.

scalable and flexible
scalable & flexible

Scale up or down as needed and pause or cancel at any time.

unique asset
unique & you own it

Each of your designs are made especially for you and is 100% yours.

private and confidential

We will not disclose or share what we work on with you with anyone.

design board
design board

You can add as many design requests as you’d like to your board

fast delivery
fast delivery

In just a few days on average, receive your designs one at a time.

fixed price
fixed rate

Pay the same fixed price each month, quarter or semi-annually depending on the plan you chose. No surprises! 


Over 25 year’s NYC fashion industry and 15 year’s web design experience creating unique innovative designs.

For Companies

Get better results from your Designer. Download my six tips on how to effectively give direction to a fashion designer so you get what you need.​

For Designers

Do you need to speed up your work flow? Tired of looking for textures to make your designs "pop"? Download my free texture stack now to save you time.

Design Services




One-time Fee

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What's Included:



Paid Monthly

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What's Included:


First, a full-time senior-level designer costs more than $100,000 a year in salary and benefits (and good luck finding one available). Additionally, there’s a chance that you won’t always have enough work to keep them occupied, forcing you to pay for time that won’t be used. You can stop and start your subscription as frequently as you need with the monthly plan.

Once you sign up for a subscription, you will be given access to our portal where you can request designs and they will be delivered one at a time.

Once you have subscribed, you can put as many design requests as you like in your queue and they will be delivered one at a time.

Depending on what I’m designing. I use Illustrator and/ or Photoshop. Excel is used for tech packs and indesign is used for catalog development.

Region Design is actually an agency operated by just one person. This means you’ll work directly with me, the founder of Region Design Agency. However, product development requests such as tech packs or graphic design may be handled by partner designers.

That’s okay. You can pause your subscription when finished and return when you have additional design needs. There’s no need to let the remainder of your subscription go to waste.

Don’t worry, we’re going to continue refining the design until you’re completely satisfied.

Due to the high quality and nature of the work, no refunds will be given.



Zahiyya is an experienced Fashion Designer and serial entrepreneur. Over the past 26 years Zahiyya has worked in the NYC fashion Industry building millions in revenue for design firms, also sewing and designing for private clients.

Her fashion and textile designs have been featured in various publications including The New York Times, Huffington Post, Aziza Magazine, Sew News and the Philadelphia Enquirer among others.

When Zahiyya is not designing clothes, or building brands she can be found tending her many plants, reading, sipping coffee or hanging out with her two daughters, husband and family.


Region Design Agency is an unlimited design service; a middle point between hiring a freelancer and having an in-house designer.

What is an unlimited design service you ask? It is a design agency to whom you pay every month and you can request unlimited designs of all the things you need.

You can request hundreds of designs, but we will work on them one by one. The amount of time it takes to finish each of them (which depends on how complex the task is) is what will define how many designs you can get every month.


After climbing the ranks in the NYC fashion industry for years and becoming a Design Director which took her away from her passion. Zahiyya wanted to get back to her roots on why she became a fashion designer in the first place. To design clothes!

With an unwavering dedication to pushing boundaries, Zahiyya continues to redefine the fashion landscape, inspiring aspiring designers, and empowering company’s and individuals to embrace their unique style and position.

Her indelible mark on the industry is a testament to her creative vision, unwavering passion, and profound impact on the world of fashion.

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Save time with my free texture stack

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